miércoles, 24 de enero de 2024

A job interview

Part 1: SMALL TALK / Tell me about yourself 

Part 2: How did you know about us? / Why did you choose our company? / What are your strengths?

Part 3: Tell us about difficulties you´ve faced at work / How would you react if you disagreed with your supervisor? / What is your greatest weakness?

Part 4: Where do you see yourself in five years? / Do you have any questions for me? / Some more small talk...

Part 5: Body language and non-verbal language: look confident (firm handshake) / sit upright and look alert/ be expressive but not too much / make eye to eye contact / be careful with your tone (rythm, volume, stops, the language you use) / smile but keep formal / do not make too many jokes (know your boundaries)...



1 - Some starting small talk...

è The weather, how you got to the place (transportation)...

2 - Introducing yourself.

è Describe yourself in terms of studies, your career, hobbies...

3 - Where you found the info about the company.                 

è  Through an app  Indeed  Asking around  Asking people you know  Networking  Newspapers...

4 - Why you chose this company.

è Good working conditions  Good working schedule  Safe environment  Holidays  Proximity/ convenience  Security  Flexibility  Work culture...

5 - What your strengths are.

è Punctual  Honest  Responsible  Persistent  Patient  Organized  Kind  Good under pressure...

6 - Difficulties you´ve experienced at work.
è Impunctuality of coworkers  Bad relationship  Annoying behaviours  Pressure and impatient bosses, arrogance and difficult customers... 

7 - Your reaction towards disagreement at work.
è Move aside (keep distance)  Try to talk (not in public) and explain what (and how) you feel, do not react straight away and try to sleep on it...

8 - What your greatest weaknesses are and how you deal with them.
è Being a perfectionist  Being too organized /disorganized  Wanting to take charge of everything (not being able to delegate tasks or duties) 
 Being stubborn  Public speaking...

9 - Where you see yourself in five years.
è What are your goals for the future?  Being realistic: what you can achieve  How ambitious are you?  Be clear...

10 - What you want to know about the company / position / work environment.
è Ask about the expectations they have, the team you are going to work with  Say you would feel flattered if you were chosen  Maybe add some small talk about topics you have shared...


lunes, 22 de enero de 2024


1. What things do you like? I like playing football, eating cereal yoghourts and watching films.

2.  Why are you here? I am here because I want to learn.

3.  Where are your friends? They are at home or at work.

4.  When have you arrived at school? I have arrived at school at half past nine.

5.  Which is your favourite subject? My favourite subject is Radio. / I like Radio.

6.  Who are you? I am Leo, I am a student.

7.  How did you come to school today? I came to school by bus today.

8.  How much does a bus ticket cost? It costs 1 euro 50 cents.

9. How many pets have you got? I haven´t got any pets.

10. How long have you been here? I have been here for two years.

11. How far is Lima from Madrid? It is 9.500 kilometres away.

12. How often do you talk to your parents? I talk to them every week.

Auxiliar verbs:


-         Do you live in Madrid? Yes, I do / No, I don´t. (I/you/we/they)

-         Does your sister like chicken? Yes, she does / No, she doesn´t. (he/she)

-         Did they study for the exam? Yes, they did / No, they didn´t. (Past)


-         Have we learned? Yes, we have / No, we haven´t. (I/you/we/they)

-         Has he got a car? Yes, he has / No, he hasn´t. (he/she)

-         Had I been here before? Yes, you had / No, you hadn´t. (Past)


-         Am I right? Yes, you are / No, you aren´t. (I)

-         Is Julio a teacher? Yes, he is / No, he isn´t. (he/she)

-         Are you happy? Yes, I am / No, I´m not. (you, we, they)

-         Was your mother at work this morning? Yes, she was / No, she wasn´t. (I/he/she)Past

-         Were you at home yesterday? Yes, I was / No, I wasn´t (you, we, they)Past


-         Can you swim? Yes, I can / No, I can´t. (I/you/he/she/we/they)

-          Could they finish? Yes, they could / No, they couldn´t (Past)


- I wake up at 7 o´clock in the morning.

Yo (me) despierto a las 7 en punto de la mañana.

- I get up at half past seven.

Yo (me) levanto a las 7 y media.

- I have a shower.

Yo tomo una ducha.

- I check my mobile phone.

Yo compruebo mi móvil.

- I have breakfast.

Yo tomo el desayuno.

- I walk to school.

Yo camino al cole.

- I go to school.

Yo voy al cole.




1. Slow (lento)

Slower than (más lento que)

The slowest (el más lento)

2. Good (bueno)

Better than (mejor que)

The best (el mejor)

3. Bad (malo)

Worse than (peor que)

The worst (el peor)

4. Important (importante)

More important than

(más importante que)

The most important

(el más importante)

1. A turtle is slower than a rabbit.

    The snail is the slowest animal.

2. I am good. My brother is better than me. My mum is the best.