1. Choose a topic related to your free time: cinema, sports, art, video games, school...
(elegir un tema relacionado con tu tiempo libre)
2. Make 6 to 15 questions about your topic, include Y/N questions, optional questions, open questions *
(preparar de 6 a 15 preguntas sobre mi tema, incluyendo los tres tipos de pregunta)
3. After writing down the questions, you have to add:
- WHO did you ask? What is their age? Why them?
- RESULTS (what I expected and what I got) and OPINION.
(Después de escribir las preguntas, añade: - A quién le has preguntado, su edad y por qué a ellxs)
4. Bring an A4 sheet of paper with your work and tell the rest in class.
(Trae el proyecto en un folio y preséntalo en público)
* Kinds of questions:
1. Yes /
No Do
you like listening to music? Yes, I do / No, Idon´t
2. Options
What is your favourite music style? Rock / Pop / Rap / Trap / Easy listening
3. Open
question Why do you like that kind of music? Because…
Who is your favourite
singer? My
favourite singer is_______
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