jueves, 20 de junio de 2019

Summer practice for 1st of ESO

Try these exercises:

1.       Write questions for these answers:

a)      __________________________________________ ?    I was at home.
b)      __________________________________________?     Yes, he did.
c)       __________________________________________?     She is my teacher.
d)      __________________________________________?     He´s a doctor.

2.       Complete these sentences:

a) We __________________a new car.          

b) She _________________ many books.

c)     ___________   he drink coffee?   
d)     __________ they live in Spain?

Revision of the exam 1º ESO (Extraordinaria)

1. Complete this text using one of these words: This, That, Those, These, my, your, his, her, its, our, their. (there are more words than gaps)

Hello! _____ name is Louis, _______ is _____ sister, Jane.
________ parents are Peter and Olivia.
We have a cat and a dog, _________ names are Luck and Crash.

2. Complete these sentences using the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets:

 a. His name________________(not be) Sam.
b. Tom____________________(not have got) fair hair.
c. She __________________ (not do) her homework everyday.
d. My sister always _______________ (play) in the park.
e. ___________ they __________ (live) in London?

3. Complete the questions with a question word from the list below:
Who      What      Where      When      Why      How many       How old 

a. ______________________is your name?
b. ______________________are your parents from?
c. ______________________is your birthday?
d. ______________________is that boy famous?
e. ______________________is your teacher?

4. Complete with a verb and an adverb of frequency:
Ex: We are always tired / My mum sometimes drinks coffee.

a. My father ____________________ (never / play) chess.
b. My mum _____________________(always / be) late.
c. Clara ___________________ (often / watch) sports on TV.
d. They __________________ (sometimes /be) tired after school.
e. Susan and I __________________ (never / drink) coffee.

5. Complete these sentences with the present continuous of the verb given:

a. Susan ________________________ (wear) a new skirt.
b. We ________________________ (watch) the new series.
c. ________________________ (you / listen) to the teacher?
d. My parents ______________________ (not drink) tea.
e. Harry _______________________ (buy) at the supermarket now.

6. Write sentences using two of the following words:
There is, there are, a, an, some, any, there isn´t, there aren´t 
a. __________________________________________
b. __________________________________________
c. __________________________________________
d. __________________________________________
e. __________________________________________

7. Write sentences comparing these things, use the adjectives in brackets:
Ex: My father is stronger than my uncle.

a. Chinese / English, difficult
b. You / him, bad ___________________________________________________________________
c. My room / yours, tidy
d. Apples / Hamburgers, good ___________________________________________________________________
e. Maths / English, interesting ___________________________________________________________________

8. Add 5 more words of each:

a. School Subjects: Science, __________________, ___________________, __________________, ________________________, _________________________

b. Daily routines: Have a shower, __________________, ___________________, __________________, ________________________, _________________________

c. Pieces of clothes: Trousers, __________________, ___________________, __________________, ________________________, _________________________

d. Food items: Apple, __________________, ___________________, __________________, ________________________, _________________________

e. Furniture: Chair, __________________, ___________________, __________________, ________________________, _________________________

9. Read the text and circle T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). 

My name’s Adam and we’ve got five pets in our family.
We’ve got a black Labrador. Its name is Balthazar, but it’s a long name. Its nickname is Mr Big. Why? Because it’s a very big dog!
My sister Rachel has got two mice. Their names are Midnight and Snowy because one’s black and one’s white. Her mice are cool. They’ve got small, pink noses and ears. They’re in Rachel’s room. They aren’t in the living room because we’ve got a cat, and cats and mice aren’t friends.
The cat is my mum’s pet and its name is Tripod. How many legs has it got? Three! It’s very funny!
My brother Jack has got the fifth pet. It’s black and brown and very long. It hasn’t got legs. What is it? It’s a snake called Kaa. Reptiles are popular pets today, but personally I’m not a fan of them. Kaa’s horrible!

a. Adam’s dog has got two names. T / F / DS 
b. Rachel’s mice are the same colour. T / F / DS 
c. Midnight hasn’t got a tail T / F / DS 
d. The cat and the mice are friends. T / F / DS 
e. Adam’s mum has got three cats. T / F / DS 

10. Read the text again and circle the correct words:

a. Mr Big is the dog’s first name / nickname. 
b. Rachel’s / Jack’s pets are black and white.
c. The mice have got pink eyes / ears. 
d. Tripod has got three / four legs.
e. Jack’s hair / snake is long and black.

11. Answer the following questions with full sentences:

a. Where do you live? ________________________________________________
b. When is your birthday?______________________________________________
c. What are your favourite sports?_______________________________________
d. How often do you play football?______________________________________
e. Who is your favourite teacher?________________________________________

12. Answer these questions with short answers:

a. Do you study Science in school? _________, ____________________________
b. Are you writing now?__________, ____________________________________
c. Have you got a blue pen?_________, ___________________________________
d. Is your mother a teacher?________, ____________________________________
e. Can you speak English?_________, ____________________________________