lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

2º ESO. Tareas del 30 de marzo al 14 de abril

El alumnado tendrá acceso a Conversación con el Assistant en los siguientes horarios:

- 2.1 y 2.4P el miércoles de 10 a 11.

- 2.5 el miércoles de 12 a 13.

- 2.3 el jueves de 12 a 13.


- Ejercicios 1, 2, 3 y 4 de la página 46 de su Workbook.

-Repaso de todos los contenidos de la Unidad 5.

-Páginas 128 y 129 de su Worbook para entregar a la vuelta.

El profesor atenderá todas las dudas y mandará las actividades complementarias a través de las aplicaciones Edmodo, Jitsi Meet y el correo electrónico

Deben usar la columna derecha del blog  que ofrece todos los recursos necesarios para ir completando la tarea y ampliando contenidos.

4.3: Tarea del 30 de marzo al 14 de abril

Esta semana la dedicaremos a finalizar las actividades que he ido mandando hasta el momento y resolver dudas sobre gramática o cualquier otra cosa que necesiten.
Me tienen a su disposición a través de Edmodo, Jitsi Meet o correo electrónico.

La actividad nueva que les pido, y que tienen hasta después de Semana Santa es:

Lectura del texto The European Way of Life”

1) hacer un resumen,
2) escribir su opinión,
3) escribir una redacción con el tema: “The American Way of  life”argumentando con información que buscarán por internet. 

Cada apartado tiene que tener mínimo 60 palabras,
total: 180 / 250 palabras.

Se entregará a través del correo poniendo su nombre y grupo en el Asunto.

Pueden usar la columna derecha del blog que ofrece todos los recursos necesarios para ir completando la tarea y ampliando contenidos.

1º de Bachillerato: Tarea del 30 de marzo al 14 de abril.

- Reunión del grupo de trabajo de Etwinning "Ecological and friendly" el miércoles de 12 a 13 con la aplicación Zoom.

- Conversación con el Assistant el jueves de 10 a 11 a través de la aplicación Jitsi Meet.

- Lectura del texto: “The European Way of Life”

- Deben hacer un resumen por escrito (80/100 palabras) y posteriormente escribir una redacción (100/150 palabras) con el tema: “The American Way of  life” que deberán enviar al profesor por correo electrónico a con su nombre en el Asunto. 
Pueden buscar información y datos para justificar sus opiniones en internet, citando las fuentes.

El profesor atenderá todas las dudas y mandará otras actividades complementarias a través de la aplicación Edmodo.

Pueden usar la columna derecha del blog que ofrece todos los recursos necesarios para ir completando la tarea y ampliando contenidos.

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2020

1º de Bachillerato. Tareas del 23 al 27 de marzo

a) Página 139 de su Student´s Book.
Repaso de la teoría de la voz pasiva.

b) Páginas 58 y 59 de su Workbook que corregiremos al volver a clase para resolver dudas.

c) Presentación personal de unos 30/50 segundos explicando su situación actual (edad, motivo de no asistencia al centro, cómo ha cambiado su vida en los últimos días…) a enviar a la delegada que las remitirá al profesor.

d) Ejercicios de repaso de la voz pasiva:

1 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs from the box.

arrest     catch     forge     vandalise     watch     witness

1  He ________________________________________  by the police because he
    had used a stolen credit card. (past simple passive)
2  That letter __________________________________________ . The president
    doesn’t write the letter ‘s’ like that. (past simple passive)
3  Every day 100 people ________________________________________  trying
    to enter the country illegally by the airport police. (present simple passive)
4  Empty buildings __________________________________  and they make the
    town look ugly. (present simple passive)
5  The kidnapping _________________________________  by a woman who was
    walking her dog. (past simple passive)
6  Local criminals ____________________________________  by the police now.
    (present continuous passive)

2 Choose the best answers to complete the text.

Jack the Ripper 1 considered / was considered one of the most dangerous criminals in London during the late 19th Century. His victims 2 were / were being women who lived and worked in the poor areas of London. For a while, there were rumours that the murders 3 connected / were connected and the police 4 investigated / were investigated this thoroughly. Many people 5 questioned were questioned to find out information about the murderer. Doctors and investigators 6 explained / were explained how the victims died. More than a century later, the identity of Jack the Ripper is still 7 questioned / being questioned. Nowadays forensic science is making lots of progress which allows things 8 solve / to be solved much more quickly.

3 Rewrite the sentences so they have the same meaning as the one given.

1  He reported the crime to the police.
    The crime ______________________________________________________
2  A reckless driver has caused the accident.
    The accident ____________________________________________________
3  The story has been retweeted by thousands of people.
    Thousands of people ______________________________________________
4  The court case is being broadcast live by the press.
    The press ______________________________________________________
5  The police officers closed off the crime scene.
    The crime scene _________________________________________________
6  She has been caught shoplifting by a security guard.
    A security guard _________________________________________________

4 Write the sentences in the passive.

1  The museum sold some paintings to a famous art collector.
2  The police will take the vandal to the police station.
3  They are writing the crime headlines now.
4  CCTV cameras record all our movements.
5  The most up-to-date security protects the biggest diamond in the world.
6  The firefighters have investigated the cause of the fire.

5 Complete the text with the correct form of to have something done and the verbs in brackets.

Last week my car was stolen and crashed.
1 ______________________ (the car, take) to the garage to be serviced.
There I 2 _____________________ (the mechanic, check) the engine and the
damaged parts. I 3 ______________________ (the damaged parts, repair). At the moment I 4 ______________________ (the windows, replace). Next week I
5 ___________________________ (the car, repaint). I hope I
6 _________________________ (my car, not service) again for a long time!

6 Correct the underlined mistakes in the sentences.

1  He was taking to hospital after the accident.
2  The recent burglaries are been investigated by the police.
3  The murderer were condemned to a life sentence.
4  Dangerous driving was caused the accident.
5 The famous singer has not allowed to leave the plane because of her outburst.
6  Political corruption is being a very common problem at present.

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

2º ESO. Tareas del 23 al 27 de marzo

Vocabulary de la página42 del Workbook.
Pueden buscar traducción, información sobre su uso, etc, en
Todos los ejercicios los corregiremos juntos a la vuelta.

Deben leer el cuento “The Happy Prince” de Oscar Wilde, que pueden encontrar en y también pueden escuchar en y hacer un resumen (80/120 palabras) y escribir su opinión (50/80 palabras) para entregar a la vuelta y comentar en grupo.

Deben usar la columna derecha del blog  que ofrece todos los recursos necesarios para ir completando la tarea y ampliando contenidos.
El profesor recomienda: para trabajar canciones, practicar con para retarse a sí mismos con distintos niveles, con temáticas de vocabulario…

4.3 Tareas del 23 al 27 de marzo

Páginas 54 y 55 del Workbook.
Todos los ejercicios excepto el 4 (que haremos juntxs a la vuelta) se harán en su Workbook.

Las páginas 56 y 57 del Workbook, que son de repaso de tres unidades (4, 5 y 6). Deben hacer las dos páginas, excepto el ejercicio 3 de la página 56 que haremos juntos a la vuelta.
Pueden consultar todas las dudas por Edmodo o Jitsi Meet.

Deben ver la película “True Cost”, hacer un resumen y escribir su opinión (resumen 100/120 palabras, opinión 100/120 palabras).
Este trabajo se entregarás en hoja aparte.
Enlace para el visionado:

El alumnado aprobado debe entregar la ficha 4.3_Unit 6 Extra_Grammar que se les enviará como adjunto.

El alumnado con la evaluación suspensa debe realizar y entregar la ficha 4.3_Unit 6 Standard_Grammar que se les enviará como adjunto.

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020

2º ESO. Tareas del 12 al 20 de marzo

Vocabulary de la página 40 del Workbook.

Gramática: Estudio de las formas de futuro en la página 54 de su Student´s Book (tienen la teoría en la página 61)
Ejercicios de la página 41 de su Workbook.

Deben buscar la biografía de un personaje histórico relevante que tendrán que presentar en formato cartulina o trabajo escrito, a la vuelta,  para leerlo ante la Assistant.  Se valorará contenido, presentación y expresión.

Deben usar las herramientas del blog para trabajar el idioma, la columna derecha del blog ofrece todos los recursos necesarios para ir completando la tarea y ampliando contenidos.
El profesor recomienda: para trabajar canciones, practicar con para retarse a sí mismos con distintos niveles, con temáticas de vocabulario…

1º de Bachillerato. Tareas del 12 al 20 de marzo

Les recuerdo que tienen hasta el día 15 para entregar la redacción al correo de la profesora en prácticas.

a) Páginas 54 y 55 del Workbook.
Deben estar todos los ejercicios completados.
Los ejercicios 2, 3 y 4 se deben entregar en una hoja aparte.

b) Reading de la página 56 del Workbook.
Los ejercicios deben entregarse en una hoja aparte junto con una lista de palabras nuevas que habrán tenido que consultar en

c) Deben ver la película “True Cost”, hacer un resumen y escribir su opinión (resumen 100/120 palabras, opinión 100/120 palabras).
Este trabajo se entregará en hoja aparte.
Enlace para el visionado:

d) Deben realizar la ficha BHS13 PAU exam que se les enviará en  formato PDF y deben entregar a la vuelta.

e) Repaso de vocabulario:

1 Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

1  The episode was about a person who was kidnapped / stolen from his family.
2  The victim was rescued / arrested after the neighbours heard the screams.
3  You can rob / receive a fine for throwing rubbish on the ground.
4  They tried to get into the country using forged / rescued passports.
5  Some thieves tried to hijack / steal my bag.
6  After school last Thursday, I witnessed / committed a crime. A man took some
    things from a shop.

2 Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

1  The ____________________ got away with jewellery and some cash.
    a steal                         b thief                   c theft
2  The _____________________  asked the victim’s family for one million euros to
    return their son.
    a kidnap                      b kidnapper           c kidnapping
3  The ___________________________  knocked the mirror off the side of my car
    last weekend.
    a vandalise                 b vandal                c vandalism
4  The criminals were watching the house for weeks before the _______________ .
    a burgle                      b burglar               c burglary
5  She tried to ______________________ the president.
    a murder                     b murderer            c murdering
6  They weren’t able to ________________________  the plane because the cabin
    door was locked.
    a hijack                       b hijacker              c hijacked

 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs from the box.

get away with     hold onto     show up     shut down    turn out     turn up
1  Over the years valuable pieces of art have gone missing and have never
    _____________________________________  .
2  My local corner shop_______________________________   yesterday because
    it hadn’t made any money for two years.
3  My younger sister always_______________________  not doing her homework.
    The teachers always believe her excuses.
4  Fred didn’t ________________________________  for the concert – he was ill.
5  After leaving school, he _________________________  all his old school books:
    they are in the attic.
6  The stolen Manet painting _____________________________  to be a forgery!

4 Match the beginnings of the sentences 1–8 with their endings a–h.

1  The singer’s accountant was arrested ___
2  Graffiti is considered to be ___
3  When he received ___
4  First, the hijackers ___
5  There have been ___
6  The firefighters ___
7  The police inspector ___
8  She was found guilty ___
a the prison sentence, he didn’t show any emotion.
b changed the route and then they took control of the plane.
c rescued the old woman from the burning building.
d investigated the crime to find out who the murderer was.
e vandalism when it damages buildings or property.
f   many thefts in local shops.
g of committing burglaries in the area.
h for stealing regular amounts of money from his clients.

5 Complete the sentences with the prepositions from the box.
about    for (x2)     in     of (x2)     on     with
1  Forensic scientists have to deal _____________  evidence found at crime scenes.
2  Ruth felt ashamed _____________________________  telling lies to the police.
3  She wasn’t responsible ____________________________  what had happened.
4  He was worried ______________________________  her reaction to the news.
5  The series was based ____________________________________  a true story.
6  People who throw litter on the ground have no respect_____________________
    the environment.
7  They were accused ___________________________________  forging money.
8  The people involved _________________  vandalising the train must pay a fine.

6 Choose the best endings to complete the sentences.
1  Since Luke was caught vandalising the school _______________
2  Politicians are often accused of using public money ________________
3  After leaving prison Mark has ______________
4  I wanted to buy a new smartphone but I couldn’t afford it. ____________
a  kept on the straight and narrow.
b  the teachers have got their eye on him all the time.
c  to line their own pockets.
d  The one I wanted cost an arm and a leg!

4º de ESO. Tareas del 12 al 20 de marzo

a) Reading de la página 52 del Workbook.
Los ejercicios 2, 3 y 4 se deben entregar en una hoja aparte.

b) Writing de la página 53 del Workbook.
Los ejercicios 2, 4 y 5 deben entregarse en una hoja aparte.

c) El alumnado aprobado debe realizar la ficha de repaso 4.3_Unit_5_Extra que se les enviará como adjunto.

El alumnado con la evaluación suspensa debe realizar y entregar la ficha de repaso 4.3_Unit_5_Standard que se les enviará como adjunto.

d) Ejercicios de repaso de La Voz Pasiva, tienen la teoría en la página 124 de su Student´s Book:

1 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs from the box.

arrest     catch     forge     vandalise     watch     witness

1  He ________________________________________  by the police because he
    had used a stolen credit card. (past simple passive)
2  That letter __________________________________________ . The president
    doesn’t write the letter ‘s’ like that. (past simple passive)
3  Every day 100 people ________________________________________  trying
    to enter the country illegally by the airport police. (present simple passive)
4  Empty buildings __________________________________  and they make the
    town look ugly. (present simple passive)
5  The kidnapping _________________________________  by a woman who was
    walking her dog. (past simple passive)
6  Local criminals ____________________________________  by the police now.
    (present continuous passive)

2 Choose the best answers to complete the text.

Jack the Ripper 1 considered / was considered one of the most dangerous criminals in London during the late 19th Century. His victims 2 were / were being women who lived and worked in the poor areas of London. For a while, there were rumours that the murders 3 connected / were connected and the police 4 investigated / were investigated this thoroughly. Many people 5 questioned were questioned to find out information about the murderer. Doctors and investigators 6 explained / were explained how the victims died. More than a century later, the identity of Jack the Ripper is still 7 questioned / being questioned. Nowadays forensic science is making lots of progress which allows things 8 solve / to be solved much more quickly.

3 Rewrite the sentences so they have the same meaning as the one given.

1  He reported the crime to the police.
    The crime ______________________________________________________
2  A reckless driver has caused the accident.
    The accident ____________________________________________________
3  The story has been retweeted by thousands of people.
    Thousands of people ______________________________________________
4  The court case is being broadcast live by the press.
    The press ______________________________________________________
5  The police officers closed off the crime scene.
    The crime scene _________________________________________________
6  She has been caught shoplifting by a security guard.
    A security guard _________________________________________________

4 Write the sentences in the passive.

1  The museum sold some paintings to a famous art collector.
2  The police will take the vandal to the police station.
3  They are writing the crime headlines now.
4  CCTV cameras record all our movements.
5  The most up-to-date security protects the biggest diamond in the world.
6  The firefighters have investigated the cause of the fire.

5 Complete the text with the correct form of to have something done and the verbs in brackets.

Last week my car was stolen and crashed.
1 ______________________ (the car, take) to the garage to be serviced.
There I 2 _____________________ (the mechanic, check) the engine and the
damaged parts. I 3 ______________________ (the damaged parts, repair). At the moment I 4 ______________________ (the windows, replace). Next week I
5 ___________________________ (the car, repaint). I hope I
6 _________________________ (my car, not service) again for a long time!

6 Correct the underlined mistakes in the sentences.

1  He was taking to hospital after the accident.
2  The recent burglaries are been investigated by the police.
3  The murderer were condemned to a life sentence.
4  Dangerous driving was caused the accident.
5 The famous singer has not allowed to leave the plane because of her outburst.
6  Political corruption is being a very common problem at present.