miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023

A job interview

1. Hello, welcome, how are you?

2. What´s your name?

3. How old are you?

4. Where do you live?

5. Tell us a bit about yourself. Why do you want to work with us?

6. What can you bring to the team?

7. Why should we choose you for this job?

8. How many languages can you speak?

9. What are your hobbies?

10. What are your strenghts?

11. What is your previous working experience?

12. Have you got a Driving License?

13. What is your school background?

14. Have you got any other training experience?

15. Have you got any health issues that we should be aware of?

16. What are your projects?

17. Who do you live with?

18. Do you like working?

19. What are your qualities?

20. What are your goals?

21. What are some of your weaknesses?

22. Have you ever had any ineractions with the law?

23. Do you have any bad habbits?

24. Which do you consider your biggest achievement?

25. Are you good at team working? Do you prefer working on your own?

26. Do you have any kids?

27. Where do you see yourself in five years time?

28. What are you eager to know about our company?

29. Have you got any tattoos?

30. What is the income range that you are expecting?

martes, 17 de enero de 2023


Spend: use money to buy something.

Save: keep something to use later.

Borrow: take something from another person for a while.

Lend: give something for a short period of time.

Pay: give money in exchange for a product.

Cost: the price of a product.

Earn: get money for work that you do.

Win: get something as a prize in a competition.

Swap: exchange, give one thing and receive another.

Waste: use something badly.

Sell: exchange a product for money.

The money children get from their parents is called
pocket money.

After eating in a restaurant we asked for the bill.

If we don´t have cash we use a credit or debit card.

If we get a discount we pay less than the average price.

When you pay, the shop assistant gives you a receipt.

The currency in Spain is the Euro.

I usually keep cards, coins and notes in my wallet.



lunes, 9 de enero de 2023

Present simple and present continuous

LONG ACTION: PAST CONTINUOUS (was / were + v-ing)


Ex:  I was sleeping when you came

I went to a competition while I was staying in the USA.

I called a friend while I was waiting for the bus.

We were chatting when the teacher came.

When the bus came I was talking on the phone.

We were watching the match when our team won.

The sun was shining when I woke up.

I called my friend while I was waiting for the bus.

We were talking when the teacher came in.

My parents met when they were working.

My dad was making dinner when I got home.


A man was walking in the park when he felt tired.

He was sitting on a bench when he found a wallet.

He didn´t know what to do.

He thought of looking for a contact while he was going home.

He saw a number while he was searching the wallet.

He phoned a relative and he came to pick the wallet.

The man and his son were waiting when the bell rang.

The owner was happy to recover it because he had had trouble...