miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020

1st of ESO Exam Units Starter, 1 and 2

1. Nationalities:

Ronaldo is American: No, he isn´t, he is Portuguese.

2. About me:

I am from Madrid, my mum is 43 years old.

3. Like / don´t like / hate / don´t mind

I like football. He likes football.

4. Create questions:

Ex.: your father / play football?

Does your father play football?
Is your father playing football?

5. Family words ( relatives)

Nephew, grandma, niece, cousin, brother...

6. Order words to make sentences:

never / I / swimming/ go / winter / in

I never go swimming in winter.

7. Daily routines and chores (order)

have lunch / Wake up /  go to school

wake up - go to school - have lunch

8. Definitions of subject

We learn about computers: ICT
We do sport in it: PE

9. Question words (Where / when / what / why...):

____________ are you? Fine, thanks. (how)

____________ are you? 12 years old. (How old)

10. Frequency adverbs (Always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never)

Order them.

(11. verbs) Optional


martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020

Repaso Bachillerato Examen Final 1ª Evaluación

1. Definir vocabulario de los textos de las páginas 7 y 19.

2. Identificar palabras de las páginas 8 y 20.
(Two words for one definition)

3. Adjetivos en -ed y -ing, página 12
(verbs like; disgust, amaze, annoy, embarrass, confuse...)

4. Completar frases con presente simple y continuo, páginas 10, 129 y 130.

"__________________________ (play /she) computer games?":

- Is she playing computer games now?

- Does she always play computer games?

5. Corregir errores en frases (past simple /past continuous), páginas 22, 130 y 131.

"I drank while you ate.":

I drank when you ate.

I was drinking while you were eating.

I drank while you were eating.

Remember: WHEN + Past Simple   / WHILE (AS) + Past Continuous

6. Preguntas sobre el reading

7. Escribir frases con las palabras que te doy sobre Present and Past, Simple and Continuous.

"We / listen / music / while / they / play / garden":

We were listening to music while they were playing in the garden.

8. Reescribir dos frases en una utilizando un signpost (even though, despite, however...). Páginas 27 y 147.

"We like candies. They are not healthy"

We like candies. However, they are not healthy.

We like candies but they are not healthy.

Even though they are not healthy, we like candies.

9. Composition (topic from Unit 2) 80 / 100 words.

"Incidents / accidents / injuries"

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2020

1º ESO: Tarea para el 10 de noviembre

Se puede entregar en papel, cartulina, texto en word, pdf, powerpoint, audio o vídeo al profesor en persona o por correo a  julioabadprofe@gmail.com 

You have to create your own timetable for a week.

You have to choose:

- what time to start in the morning and what time to go home.

- the subjects.

- the length of the sessions.

- how many breaks to have and how long they should be.

- any extra activities you might like to have.

- anything you want to add.

Prepara tu propio horario escolar semanal

Tienes que elegir:

- la hora de entrada y salida del IES cada día.

- las asignaturas.

- la duración de las clases.

- el número y duración de los recreos.

- las asignaturas extraescolares.

- cualquier cosa que te apetezca añadirle.