lunes, 22 de enero de 2024


1. What things do you like? I like playing football, eating cereal yoghourts and watching films.

2.  Why are you here? I am here because I want to learn.

3.  Where are your friends? They are at home or at work.

4.  When have you arrived at school? I have arrived at school at half past nine.

5.  Which is your favourite subject? My favourite subject is Radio. / I like Radio.

6.  Who are you? I am Leo, I am a student.

7.  How did you come to school today? I came to school by bus today.

8.  How much does a bus ticket cost? It costs 1 euro 50 cents.

9. How many pets have you got? I haven´t got any pets.

10. How long have you been here? I have been here for two years.

11. How far is Lima from Madrid? It is 9.500 kilometres away.

12. How often do you talk to your parents? I talk to them every week.

Auxiliar verbs:


-         Do you live in Madrid? Yes, I do / No, I don´t. (I/you/we/they)

-         Does your sister like chicken? Yes, she does / No, she doesn´t. (he/she)

-         Did they study for the exam? Yes, they did / No, they didn´t. (Past)


-         Have we learned? Yes, we have / No, we haven´t. (I/you/we/they)

-         Has he got a car? Yes, he has / No, he hasn´t. (he/she)

-         Had I been here before? Yes, you had / No, you hadn´t. (Past)


-         Am I right? Yes, you are / No, you aren´t. (I)

-         Is Julio a teacher? Yes, he is / No, he isn´t. (he/she)

-         Are you happy? Yes, I am / No, I´m not. (you, we, they)

-         Was your mother at work this morning? Yes, she was / No, she wasn´t. (I/he/she)Past

-         Were you at home yesterday? Yes, I was / No, I wasn´t (you, we, they)Past


-         Can you swim? Yes, I can / No, I can´t. (I/you/he/she/we/they)

-          Could they finish? Yes, they could / No, they couldn´t (Past)


- I wake up at 7 o´clock in the morning.

Yo (me) despierto a las 7 en punto de la mañana.

- I get up at half past seven.

Yo (me) levanto a las 7 y media.

- I have a shower.

Yo tomo una ducha.

- I check my mobile phone.

Yo compruebo mi móvil.

- I have breakfast.

Yo tomo el desayuno.

- I walk to school.

Yo camino al cole.

- I go to school.

Yo voy al cole.




1. Slow (lento)

Slower than (más lento que)

The slowest (el más lento)

2. Good (bueno)

Better than (mejor que)

The best (el mejor)

3. Bad (malo)

Worse than (peor que)

The worst (el peor)

4. Important (importante)

More important than

(más importante que)

The most important

(el más importante)

1. A turtle is slower than a rabbit.

    The snail is the slowest animal.

2. I am good. My brother is better than me. My mum is the best.

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