lunes, 21 de octubre de 2024

PAU 24-25


Después de leer atentamente el texto y las cuestiones, tendrás que responder EN INGLÉS a cinco preguntas.

Las preguntas 1, 4 y 5 ofrecen optatividad:
- la pregunta 1 presenta 3 cuestiones para elegir 2,
- la pregunta 4 presenta 6 oraciones para elegir 4 y
- la pregunta 5 ofrece 2 opciones para elegir solo 1.

 En aquellos casos en los que se conteste a más opciones de las pedidas, se corregirán solo aquellas que estén en primer lugar, descartando el resto. 


- Tendréis 90 minutos.
- Las preguntas 1, 2 y 4 se calificarán sobre 2 puntos cada una.
- La pregunta 3 se calificará sobre 1 punto.
- La pregunta 5 se calificará sobre 3 puntos.


MODELOS PAU y criterios de evaluación:



Teniendo en cuenta la normativa vigente, 
el examen de Inglés tiene como objetivo

evaluar diferentes aspectos de la dimensión comunicativa de la lengua inglesa,

valorando la consecución de las competencias específicas relacionadas con la

comprensión, producción, interacción y mediación intralingüística de textos escritos. Se

podrán incluir asimismo aspectos socioculturales. A su vez, se evaluará el dominio de

contenidos recogidos en el currículo como saberes básicos, entre los que pueden figurar

funciones comunicativas asociadas a diversas situaciones de comunicación, léxico

común y especializado, así como diferentes convenciones ortográficas. Las preguntas de

este examen podrán integrar varias competencias específicas a la vez, como, por

ejemplo, comprender el sentido de un texto escrito y producir un mensaje relacionado

con ese mismo texto.

A continuación, se detallan aspectos concretos que se evaluarán en el examen de Inglés:

1. Comprende instrucciones claras y precisas para resolver las cuestiones planteadas.

2. Comprende, analiza e interpreta las ideas principales y la información detallada de

textos escritos de cierta longitud expresados en lengua estándar sobre temas de

relevancia personal para el alumnado o de interés público.

3. Hace uso de los repertorios lingüísticos personales y de las estrategias de inferencia

y comprobación de significados.

4. Produce textos escritos de diversa extensión y cierta complejidad, claros, detallados,

bien organizados y adecuados a las características contextuales y a la tipología

textual, respetando convenciones, normas de cortesía y registros.

5. Redacta textos de opinión y textos argumentativos de sobre temas de relevancia

personal o de interés público.

6. Aplica estrategias de reformulación, síntesis, organización, producción o revisión en

la producción de textos.

7. Aplica estrategias de enriquecimiento léxico—derivación, familias léxicas, polisemia,

sinonimia, antonimia, etc.—ayudándose de la comparación de las lenguas y

variedades que conforman el repertorio lingüístico personal.

8. Emplea funciones comunicativas adecuadas al ámbito y contexto comunicativo, y

hace uso de unidades lingüísticas y los significados asociados a las mismas.

9. Demuestra dominio del léxico común, así como del léxico especializado, aplicándolo

de forma precisa y coherente en función del contexto.

10. Maneja convenciones ortográficas y significados asociados a formatos y elementos


Descripción del examen:

Siguiendo las indicaciones del Real Decreto 534/2024, se hará entrega de un único

modelo de examen, aunque en algunas preguntas se incluirá cierto grado de

optatividad, pudiendo elegir entre varias cuestiones o tareas.

En un primer momento, se deberá leer atentamente un texto en inglés, de alrededor de

300-400 palabras, y responder por escrito, sin ayuda de diccionario ni de ningún otro

manual didáctico, a cuestiones relacionadas con el texto propuesto. La dificultad del

texto estará controlada, a fin de permitir al estudiante que realice el ejercicio en el

tiempo previsto de 90 minutos. Junto a las preguntas de comprensión, se incluirán otras

relacionadas con funciones comunicativas y otros aspectos lingüísticos, así como

preguntas de producción, interacción o mediación intralingüística de texto escritos.

Al comienzo del ejercicio se incluirán unas instrucciones generales en español. El resto

de la prueba estará totalmente redactada en inglés y el estudiante usará exclusivamente

la lengua inglesa en sus respuestas.

miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2024

A letter of application

 Dear Sir / Madam // Miss Smith/ Mister Smith // To whom it may concern,

- I am writing to apply for the position of children’s football coach.

- I am currently the captain of my school team.

- In addition to my experience as captain, I have a young referee’s qualification.

- In my free time, I enjoy playing with young children (my brothers and cousins).

- I have also participated in summer camps with young children as a camp counsellor.

- I can supply a reference from my PE teacher on request. I would also be willing to do one coaching session with your football team so that you can see how I work.

- Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

- I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully / Yours sincerely,

Julio Abad

miércoles, 24 de enero de 2024

A job interview

Part 1: SMALL TALK / Tell me about yourself

Part 2: How did you know about us? / Why did you choose our company? / What are your strengths?

Part 3: Tell us about difficulties you´ve faced at work / How would you react if you disagreed with your supervisor? / What is your greatest weakness?

Part 4: Where do you see yourself in five years? / Do you have any questions for me? / Some more small talk...

Part 5: Body language and non-verbal language: look confident (firm handshake) / sit upright and look alert/ be expressive but not too much / make eye to eye contact / be careful with your tone (rythm, volume, stops, the language you use) / smile but keep formal / do not make too many jokes (know your boundaries)...


1 - Some starting small talk...

è The weather, how you got to the place (transportation)...

2 - Introducing yourself.

è Describe yourself in terms of studies, your career, hobbies...

3 - Where you found the info about the company.                 

è  Through an app  Indeed  Asking around  Asking people you know  Networking  Newspapers...

4 - Why you chose this company.

è Good working conditions  Good working schedule  Safe environment  Holidays  Proximity/ convenience  Security  Flexibility  Work culture...

5 - What your strengths are.

è Punctual  Honest  Responsible  Persistent  Patient  Organized  Kind  Good under pressure...

6 - Difficulties you´ve experienced at work.
è Impunctuality of coworkers  Bad relationship  Annoying behaviours  Pressure and impatient bosses, arrogance and difficult customers... 

7 - Your reaction towards disagreement at work.
è Move aside (keep distance)  Try to talk (not in public) and explain what (and how) you feel, do not react straight away and try to sleep on it...

8 - What your greatest weaknesses are and how you deal with them.
è Being a perfectionist  Being too organized /disorganized  Wanting to take charge of everything (not being able to delegate tasks or duties) 
 Being stubborn  Public speaking...

9 - Where you see yourself in five years.
è What are your goals for the future?  Being realistic: what you can achieve  How ambitious are you?  Be clear...

10 - What you want to know about the company / position / work environment.
è Ask about the expectations they have, the team you are going to work with  Say you would feel flattered if you were chosen  Maybe add some small talk about topics you have shared...


lunes, 22 de enero de 2024


1. What things do you like? I like playing football, eating cereal yoghourts and watching films.

2.  Why are you here? I am here because I want to learn.

3.  Where are your friends? They are at home or at work.

4.  When have you arrived at school? I have arrived at school at half past nine.

5.  Which is your favourite subject? My favourite subject is Radio. / I like Radio.

6.  Who are you? I am Leo, I am a student.

7.  How did you come to school today? I came to school by bus today.

8.  How much does a bus ticket cost? It costs 1 euro 50 cents.

9. How many pets have you got? I haven´t got any pets.

10. How long have you been here? I have been here for two years.

11. How far is Lima from Madrid? It is 9.500 kilometres away.

12. How often do you talk to your parents? I talk to them every week.

Auxiliar verbs:


-         Do you live in Madrid? Yes, I do / No, I don´t. (I/you/we/they)

-         Does your sister like chicken? Yes, she does / No, she doesn´t. (he/she)

-         Did they study for the exam? Yes, they did / No, they didn´t. (Past)


-         Have we learned? Yes, we have / No, we haven´t. (I/you/we/they)

-         Has he got a car? Yes, he has / No, he hasn´t. (he/she)

-         Had I been here before? Yes, you had / No, you hadn´t. (Past)


-         Am I right? Yes, you are / No, you aren´t. (I)

-         Is Julio a teacher? Yes, he is / No, he isn´t. (he/she)

-         Are you happy? Yes, I am / No, I´m not. (you, we, they)

-         Was your mother at work this morning? Yes, she was / No, she wasn´t. (I/he/she)Past

-         Were you at home yesterday? Yes, I was / No, I wasn´t (you, we, they)Past


-         Can you swim? Yes, I can / No, I can´t. (I/you/he/she/we/they)

-          Could they finish? Yes, they could / No, they couldn´t (Past)


- I wake up at 7 o´clock in the morning.

Yo (me) despierto a las 7 en punto de la mañana.

- I get up at half past seven.

Yo (me) levanto a las 7 y media.

- I have a shower.

Yo tomo una ducha.

- I check my mobile phone.

Yo compruebo mi móvil.

- I have breakfast.

Yo tomo el desayuno.

- I walk to school.

Yo camino al cole.

- I go to school.

Yo voy al cole.




1. Slow (lento)

Slower than (más lento que)

The slowest (el más lento)

2. Good (bueno)

Better than (mejor que)

The best (el mejor)

3. Bad (malo)

Worse than (peor que)

The worst (el peor)

4. Important (importante)

More important than

(más importante que)

The most important

(el más importante)

1. A turtle is slower than a rabbit.

    The snail is the slowest animal.

2. I am good. My brother is better than me. My mum is the best.

martes, 14 de noviembre de 2023

Present Simple and Present Continuous

- HabitsPresent simple: I drink water. She drinks coffee. We drink every morning.

- NowPresent Continuous: I am drinking water. She is drinking coffee. We are drinking.

I usually get home at ten oclock. (Adverb +Verb)

I am sometimes late. ( BE + Adverb)

She hardly ever plays chess. (Adverb +Verb)

He is often hungry at night. ( BE + Adverb)

We never smoke. (Adverb +Verb)

I am always happy. ( BE + Adverb)

We are learning verbs and adverbs.

We are doing exercises.

I sometimes make mistakes. 

The teacher always corrects me.

We are paying attention now.


We start our classes at half past eight.

My cat is probably sleeping at the moment.

Babies usually cry when they are hungry.

It´s not raining.

I normally walk to school.

They clean our class everyday.

My phone isn´t ringing.

What do you do in the evenings? I usually watch TV.

Where are you going this afternoon? I´m going to the gym.

We don´t eat pizza because we don´t like it. 

We aren´t eating pizza because it isn´t our favourite food.

He isn´t drinking coffee because it isn´t breakfast time.

I don´t go to the supermarket everyday. I never go to the supermarket.

At night my friend doesn´t call me, so I´m not talking with him.

My phone doesn´t work well because it isn´t new / it is old.

 She never goes to the beach because she prefers the mountains.

Charlotte usually helps in the kitchen, she is helping now.

Does Susie like this song? Yes, she likes this song.

The kids are playing in the garden.

My father is preparing breakfast now, he prepares breakfast everyday.

They don´t do their homework regularly.

I water the plants everyday / He waters the plants everyday.

Do you usually drink tea? Yes, I do / No, I don´t.


I wake up at 7 o´clock in the morning.

I relax for a while.

I check my mobile phone.

I get up.

I stretch and go to the toilet.

I have a shower 

I get dressed.

I have breakfast.

I make my bed and do the dishes.

I pack my things and I leave home.

Sometimes I lock the door.

I walk to the station and take the underground.

Comparatives and superlatives:





Slower than

The slowest


Better than

The best


Worse than

The worst


Lazier than

The laziest


More enthusiastic than

The most enthusiastic


Bigger than

The biggest


Heavier than

The heaviest

Equal: as good as, as tall as, as important as...


1. I am taller / shorter than my sister. I am (not) the tallest in my family. I am (not) as tall as my brother.

2. My mum´s hair is longer than mine. I´ve got the longest hair in my family. Dani´s hair is as long as Dylan´s.

3. My eyes are bigger than my cat´s. My sister hasn´t got the biggest eyes in my family. My eyes are as big as my brother´s.

4. I am friendly. Carlos is friendlier/more friendly than me. Honey is the friendliest person in class. Iván is as friendly as Carlos.

lunes, 30 de octubre de 2023

Interrogative particles

- What? - What are you doing? I am studying.

- Which? - Which is your book? This one is mine.

- Where? - Where do you live? I live in Madrid.

- When? - When is your birthday? It is in July.

- Why? - Why do you come to school? Because I study here and I want to learn.

- Who? - Who is your favourite singer? Julio Iglesias is my favourite singer.

- Whose? - Whose book is this? It is mine, it is my book.

- How? - How are you? I´m fine, thanks!!

- How much? - How much is it? It is 6 euros.

- How many? - How many friends have you got? I have got many friends!

- How often? - How often do you swim? I only swim in Summer.

        Every week / Never / Sometimes / Usually / From time to time / Always...

            Once a month / Twice a year / Three times a day...

- How long? - How long is the English lesson? It´s 55 minutes long.

- How far? - How far is your home from school? It is 3 kilometres away.

- How late? - How late were you today to school? I was 20 minutes late to school.



YES / NO questions (DO / HAVE / BE / CAN)

- Do you like pets? Yes, I do / No, I don´t

- Does your teacher speak English? Yes, he does / No, he doesn´t

- Did you go to Perú last Summer? Yes, I did / No, I didn´t

- Have you got a telephone? Yes, I have / No, I haven´t

- Has your father ever been to Portugal? Yes, he has / No, he hasn´t

- Had you drunk water before you went home? Yes, I had / no, I hadn´t

- Is your father at home? Yes, he is / No, he isn´t

- Am I boring? Yes, you are / No, you aren´t

- Are they listening to me? Yes, they are / No, they aren´t

- Was it raining this morning? Yes, it was / No, it wasn´t

- Were they in the park yesterday? Yes, they were / No, they weren´t

- Can you swim? Yes, I can / No, I can´t

- Can he come? Yes, he can / No, he can´t

- Could he get the train? Yes, he could / No, he couldn´t

miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2023

An interview:

Who would you like to interview?

peers, celebrities, someone you could hire for a post, someone with a different opinion, someone special, a leader, a survivor, a worker, someone with the job I like, a singer, a past hero...

What would you ask them?

- What message do you think people get from your work?

- Do you think that AI could replace human production?

- What was your experience like? What´s the outcome of your learning?

- What are the requirements to get to your post?

-What has been the most memorable moment in your career?

- Do you have any regrets from the time spent here?

- Would you change something in your life?

- What do you expect the society to be like in 2000 years?

- Do you think wars are necessary?

- Are you happy with what you have done?

- What do you think is the most inspiring thing about your job?

- What was your childhood like?

- How do you manage or work under stressful situations?

- Tell me something you think people don´t usually appreciate from your work.

- How do you justify your acts when people blame you?

- Describe yourself in three words!

What would you like to be asked?

- What are your expectations?

- What are your prospects for the future?

- Do you like working in teams?

- What are your personal projects?

- Why do you think you can fit in this place?

- What makes you different?

- If you saw someone stealing at work, what would you do?

- What is your priority in life?

- What could bother you at work?

- Why do you think you should be hired by our company?